COMPANY INFORMATION Your Name (required)
Company Name (required)
Phone (required)
Your Email (required)
Website Address (required)
COMPANY INFORMATION How many physical business locations need to be supported?
Have you used the services of a Managed IT Services company before? YesNo
Does your business currently have an IT department or IT representative? YesNo
How many servers does your business operate?(required)
What functions does your server(s) provide? Domain ControllerTerminal ServerFile ServerDatabase ServerApps ServerOtherI don't know
What operating system does your server(s) use? Windows Server 2012Windows Server 2016LinuxOtherI don't know
How many workstations does your business utilize?
What operating system(s) is used on your workstations? Windows 8 HomeWindows 8 ProWindows 10 ProWindows 11 ProLinuxMacOtherI don't know
How many desktop computers does your business utilize?
How many laptops does your business utilize?
Are you using a backup system and if so, what kind of backup are you using?
How often do you backup your server and workstations?
In the event of a disaster, failure, or outage, how long would it take to get your system back up and running?
Do you have a firewall network appliance? YesNo
If so, what is the brand of the firewall that you use?
How many remote users have or need access to your central network?
Do you issue company cellphones? YesNo
If yes, do you monitor or track these mobile devices?
Do you use Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware software on your server(s) and workstations? YesNo
If yes, what brand of Anti-Virus and Anti-Malware do you use?
What email platform does your company utilize?
Does your network utilize VPN's or Remote Access to your internal network? YesNo
Who is your ISP (Internet Services Provider)?
Does your office use a WiFi connection for wireless devices? YesNo